The Best Application to Explore your Voyage.
Version 1.0
The British Museum, London, UK app having features like Map, Description, History, Climate, Getting there and around, Attractions to See, What you can do at there,Eat & food information, Safety precautions and pertinent details.
With in application you can take snapshot of your favorite places and can save as Albums and can send them as mail attachments.
And Geo tagged Photo Management System.
Locate easily with Perfect longitude and latitude & can view on map.
It provides information about existing and near by attractions.
High quality photo gallery makes you surprise.
And More great features it have.
How to Use
1) Tap Know More for getting the details of the this Location like Description,History,Landscape,Climate etc..
2) Tap GetIn/GetAround for getting details how to get there and getting around there by car,By Plane etc..
3) Tap Dos for getting the details of what you can do at there like Bicycling,Fishing,Swimming,Bird watching etc..
4) Tap Eat/Sleep for getting the details of restaurants,hotels,available campsites, etc..
5) Tap Stay Safe for getting the details safety precautions at there
6) Tap Camera Button to take snap shots your favorite locations and can save as Albums. You can also send geo tagged photos by simply clicking the mail button
7) Tap Show Me On Map to view the place on Map
8) Tap Image Gallery to see high quality photos of attractions.
Our Apps provides you the information everything you need at your finger tips!
mail us to for any feedback/suggestions